“Rights and Inclusion for All”
RI Korea celebrated the 70th Anniversary in conjunction with the 53rd Annual Conference, under the theme of Rights and Inclusion for All, on the 4th September 2024 in Seoul.
400 colleagues, partners and sponsors commemorated the 70 years’ legacy and look for ways forward to enhance full exercise of the rights of persons with disabilities as universal human rights.
Among international colleagues, Christoph Gutenbrunner, Elected President of RI, Joseph Kwok, Chair of Asia and Pacific Disability Forum and Dao Thu Huong, Disability inclusion Officer, UNDP in VietNam who is former participant of RI Korea’s youth capacity building project ‘Dream Team’ joined in the ceremony.
53rd RI Korea Conference
At the 53rd International Conference, a key direction was set to strengthen the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) to promote the rights of persons with disabilities.
The Roundtable Talk highlighted the needs for shifting a perspective from a medical model to a human rights-based approach in rehabilitation, empowering individuals with disabilities to make their own care decisions, and promoting inclusive policies and international cooperation.
Expert Dialogue on Disability-Inclusive International Cooperation
Shared good practices of disability-inclusive approaches by multi-stakeholders including UNHCR, UNDP, KOICA, KODDI, RI, APDF and RI Korea, while enhancing collaboration for further development of disability-inclusive international development.
70th Anniversary Ceremony
Strengthened partnerships with corporations and international NGOs by recognizing contributors to disability rights and highlighting the importance of solidarity and the support for the future generations.
Thank you for your presence and support.