Composition of the WG 2023-2032
Download: Composition of the WG 2023-2032
After a careful review of all nominations, twenty governments and twenty civil society organizations have been selected to serve in the Working Group.
- A) Twenty government members are selected as follows:
- Azerbaijan;
- Bangladesh;
- Bhutan;
- Brunei Darussalam;
- Cambodia;
- China;
- Georgia;
- India;
- Japan;
- Malaysia;
- Maldives;
- Mongolia;
- Pakistan;
- Philippines;
- Republic of Korea;
- Singapore;
- Sri Lanka;
- Thailand;
- Tonga;
- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
- B) Twenty civil society organization members are selected as follows:
- ASEAN Autism Network (AAN);
- ASEAN Disability Forum (ADF);
- Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability (APCD);
- Asia Pacific Disability Forum (APDF);
- Asia-Pacific Disabled Peoples’ Organizations United (AP DPO United);
- Asia Pacific Down Syndrome Federation (APDSF);
- Central Asian Disability Forum (CADF);
- Community-based Inclusive Development Asia-Pacific Network (CBID AP Network);
- Digital Accessible Information System Consortium (DAISY);
- Disabled Peoples’ International Asia-Pacific (DPI AP);
- Humanity & Inclusion;
- International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES);
- Pacific Disability Forum (PDF);
- Rehabilitation International Asia-Pacific (RIAP);
- South Asian Disability Forum (SADF);
- Transforming Communities for Inclusion (TCI);
- World Blind Union Asia-Pacific (WBU AP);
- World Federation of the Deafblind (WFDB);
- World Federation of the Deaf Regional Secretariat for Asia (WFD RSA);
- World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (WNUSP)